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Technical Difficulties

My goal for 2014 is to embrace technology.  I am a low tech girl living in a high tech world.  I would have been perfectly happy being an Ingalls.  Well, maybe not exactly Little House on the Prairie.  I am a lover of indoor plumbing and after losing our power (with no generator) for a week this past Christmas, I have a much greater appreciation for electricity.  It is true though; I need to amp up my tech skills in a pretty major way.


Yup.  Up until a week ago, this was my phone.  Not kidding.  The space bar no longer worked and I had been annoying my family and friends for almost a month by using periods to separate my words.

I struggle with technology for two reasons.  1) It scares me.  2) It scares me.  I am just not wired for it.  I still haven’t figured out how to use my Facebook page and I cannot even believe I figured out how to customize a website. (It has taken me 10X longer than the average person).  So bare with me on this website adventure!   Technology also scares me because of how many people value it above human interaction.  Too many faces planted in their iphones instead of on each other.  I’ll never forget a recent swim lesson I attended for my daughter where out of the 17 adults there to “watch” their kids swim, I was one of two who were NOT on a phone.  The other “present” person was a grandmother.  Everyone else had their iphones or tablets out and scrolling through pages, texting, etc. while their kiddos were waving to them from the pool.  It was extremely sad to witness.  It was surreal for me.  I don’t get it.  I actually enjoy that 30 min. I get to sit down (because that almost never happens) and watch my little girl learn to swim.  Maybe I’m the only weirdo who finds that exciting?  I just don’t get it.

With ALL that being said, I’m a (proud) new owner of an iphone!  Yes, I’m eating my “I will NEVER own an iphone” words.  I don’t even care because this phone is sweet.  I really don’t know how to use it yet, and I’m sad about it not fitting in my nerdy chest pocket of my satchel…but whatever.  I now have a space bar and a decent camera.  Extreme upgrade from what I was using.  Watch out people, this tech dummy has a smart phone (and I’m not afraid to use it!)


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  • Jessie Seronko - Love your blog. You are getting techie, and I’m so happy for you! Your dinosaur cell phone is one to keep to show your kids when they are older. I have all my old cell phones, except I’m trying to find the first one….a bag phone. A huh….a bag phone. It was really sweet back in the day….when “portable” phones were out. Had to have it plugged in the car though to use it. LOL! Good luck on your journey with technology. Let me know if one ever gets caught up with the “latest.”ReplyCancel